Michele Siri is the Chair Holder of the project. He is a full professor of business law and holds the Jean Monnet Chair on European Union Financial and Insurance Markets Regulation at the University of Genoa (Italy), which has been assigned by the European Commission for teaching and research activities devoted to the EU financial services law. He is also an adjunct professor of Financial institutions and markets law at Luigi Bocconi University in Milan. He regularly organises of workshops, seminars and conferences dealing with fundamental challenges or recent evolutions in financial regulation.
Michele Siri was appointed in 2018 by EIOPA, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, as an academic member of the Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities. Previously, at ESMA, the European Securities and Markets Authority, Michele Siri served as an academic member of the Consultative Working Group for Investor Protection and Intermediaries Standing Committee (IPISC).
Since 2019 he is an Academic Member of the TWG of the EU Ecolabel criteria for Financial Products at the European Commission. In Italy, he is an Academic Member of the Stakeholders Group of the Italian Securities and Market Commission and chair of the working group on sustainable finance.
The primary research interests concern the corporate governance of financial institutions, investor protection, and the regulation of financial and insurance intermediaries. He is a guest contributor to the Oxford Business Law Blog. A regular speaker at national and international conferences on financial regulation.
Since 2020 he is the director of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence EUSFIL, European Union Sustainable Finance and Law, focused on the sustainable finance field, mainly referring to the recent reform of the EU financial system. EUSFIL aims to attract competence and knowledge on European Union subjects and brings together high-level experts to create links between the various disciplines and resources in European studies and to form links with academic institutions in other countries.